On this blog, I will share my ideas for an at-home preschool that I do with my children, ideas for surviving motherhood, library story time ideas, ideas for my various LDS callings, Family Home Evening ideas, and whatever other random ideas that I have. I borrow ideas from the world of great minds and will try to give credit as much as possible. Thanks for dropping by!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

September: Week 2

Month: September
Week 2
Gentlemen Training:
Being Clean (bathing, washing hands, brushing teeth, etc.)
Read the book: Mrs. Wishy-Washy by Joy Cowley.
Watch some of the videos about cleanliness on You Tube (there are so many!):
The Wiggles-wash your hands: http://youtu.be/w_RwRoiwe6Q
Yo Gabba Gabba—Germs: http://youtu.be/RjFPDUi6Rd4

Sing the song: This is the way we…(brush our teeth, wash our hands, take a bath) while acting out the actions.
This is the way we brush our teeth, brush our teeth, brush our teeth;
This is the way we brush our teeth,
So early in the morning.
Day One
Sing the Alphabet Song.
The Letter B: color B pictures and talk about things on the farm that start with B.
Read a book that one of the kids chooses.
Farm rhymes and songs:
"It's time for my piggies to go to bed,"
The nice big mother piggie said.
"Now I must count them up to see
If all my piggies came back to me.
One little piggy, two little piggies,
Three little piggies dear...
Four little piggies, five little piggies-
Yes they are all here.
They're the dearest little piggies alive...
One, two, three, four, five."

Five Little Piggies
Five little piggies rolling in the mud.
Squishy, squashy, felt so good!
Then along came the farmer,
who took one for a bath.
Continue to one little piggy

Math: Count from 1-10.
Rhyme: Ten Clean Squeaky Pigs
Ten pigs so squeaky clean
Cleanest pigs you've ever seen!
Wanted to go outside and play
Snort!  Snort!
One jumped into the mud
Landed with a great big THUD! (slap thighs)
Then there were nine clean squeaky pigs.
Oink!  Oink!

Science/Social Studies: Where does our food come from?
Some resources:

Read the book: Pancakes, Pancakes! by: Eric Carle
Sort  pictures of foods into categories trees/plants, pig, cow, chicken.
Art: Colors and Painting

Bean bag toss—practice throwing bean bags into a bucket from various distances.

Day Two
Literacy: The Letter b—color pictures for the letter b. Practice the b sound and saying b.
Read a book that a child chooses.
Rhymes and songs:
Alphabet Farm Song
(Tune:  Old MacDonald Had a Farm)
Mrs. _______ had a farm
A  B  C  D  E
Letters, letters in the hay
F  G  H  I  J
With a K  L  M,  N  O  P
Pigs and ducks and bumblebees..
Q  R  S  T  U  and  V
W  X  Y  Z

Math: Number clip activity from:

Science/Social Studies:
Review where our food comes from with the Farm to Table Activity Sheet from:

Talk about the food pyramid and eating healthy, fresh food.
Are You Eating (Tune: Are You Sleeping)
Are you eating, are you eating
Healthy foods, healthy foods?
For your body needs them, for your body needs them
Everyday, everyday.
Carrots, Peas, and Broccoli (Tune: Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star)
Vegetables are good for me.
For my snack and in my lunch,
Veggie sticks are great to munch.
Carrots, Peas, and Broccoli,
Vegetables are good for me.
Happily We Eat Our Food (Tune: Merrily We Roll Along)
Happily we eat our foods, eat our foods, eat our foods.
Happily we eat our foods, To grow up big and strong
Happily we drink our milk, drink our milk, drink our milk.
Happily we drink our milk, To grow up big and strong.

Other Verses:
Happily we eat our fruits...
Happily we eat our vegetables...
Happily we eat our meat...
Happily we eat our beans...
Happily we eat our breads...
Happily we eat our cereal..


Art: Color pigs different colors from:

Sung to: "Hokey Pokey"
You put your RIGHT WING IN (put right fist under right arm-pit)
You take your right wing out…
You put your right wing in….
And you shake it all about.
You do the Chicken Pokey
And STRUT yourself around,
That's what it's all about!
Choice of additional verses:
"You put your left wing in…
You put your chicken leg in…
You put your chicken beak in
You put your tail feathers in…”
CHICKEN DANCE --to the chicken dance music!
To the beat of the music:
1. Hold up your hands and make them do a TAKING MOTION-four times...
2. Flap arms like WINGS four times
3. WIGGLE BOTTOMS four times
4. CLAP four times
The children (chickens)) roll their eggs (PLASTIC OR REAL) using only their noses. (beaks) The first one over the finish line wins...

Eggs (real hard-boiled or plastic), spoons, and an area to run are all you need for this game. Variations could include relays and obstacle courses. To make it easy for younger kids, place something on the spoon to make the egg stick.

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