On this blog, I will share my ideas for an at-home preschool that I do with my children, ideas for surviving motherhood, library story time ideas, ideas for my various LDS callings, Family Home Evening ideas, and whatever other random ideas that I have. I borrow ideas from the world of great minds and will try to give credit as much as possible. Thanks for dropping by!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

September Week 3

Month: September
Week 3
Gentlemen Training:
Being Clean (not littering, cleaning room/house, putting toys away, etc.)
Watch Daniel Tiger episode 123 on Netflix.
Talk about how littering makes our world dirty and how it can be dangerous for animals and other people.
Talk about chores that they can do around the house.
Maybe make a simple sticker chore chart together.
Clean up a room while singing the clean-up song (to hear the song, you can go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkRE66MWORc)

Have a clean-up race or game. Play music while we clean up a room.
We will have 30 minute chore time each day. The boys can pick their chores and do as many as they can in 30 minutes. The boy with the most balls in his chore jar at the end of the 30 minutes gets a prize: a no-chore day, gets to pick a show to watch, a small treat, etc.
When the boys get a little older, I want to try this chore chart:
I found this on Pinterest but there was no link. I think it's super cute and super easy!
Here's a good list of age-appropriate chores, plus a printable:

Day One
Sing the Alphabet Song.
The Letter C: color C pictures and talk about things on the farm that start with C.
Read a book that one of the kids chooses.
A Farm poem:
(Maybe use pictures to do this poem and have the kids guess at the sounds).
Down in the Barnyard
When the farmer’s day is done,
In the barnyard, ev’ry one,
Beast and bird politely say,
“Thank you for my food today.”
The cow says “Moo”
The pigeon says “Coo”
The sheep says “Baa”
The goat says “Maa”
The hen, “Cluck, cluck”
“Quack,” says the duck;
The dog, “Bow-wow”
The cat, “Meow”
The horses say,
 “Neigh, I love sweet hay!”
The pig nearby,
Grunts in his sty.
When the barn is locked up tight,
Then the farmer says “Goodnight”.
Thanks his animals, ev’ry one,
For the work that has been done.

Math: Count from 1-10. How many spots on the cow? From: http://thepreschoolexperiment.blogspot.com/2011/11/farm-theme-tot-trays.html

You can use black pom poms or black magnets to put spots on the cow.
Science/Social Studies: Days of the week
Look at calendars. I have a big poster calendar that we can use. Talk about the days of the week, yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
Make the slider from the website listed below.
To the tune of “Are You Sleeping, Are You Sleeping, Brother John?”
Every week has 7 days,
See how many you can say.
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
Saturday - that’s 7 days!
To the tune of “The Addams Family” Theme Song
Days of the week, (clap, clap)
Days of the week, (clap, clap)
Days of the week,
Days of the week,
Days of the week. (clap, clap)
There’s Sunday and there’s Monday,
There’s Tuesday and there’s Wednesday,
There’s Thursday and there’s Friday,
And then there’s Saturday!
Days of the week, (clap, clap)
Days of the week, (clap, clap)
Days of the week,
Days of the week,
Days of the week. (clap, clap)

More Resources:

Rhyme: 5 White and Fluffy Sheep
Five white and fluffy sheep
In the pasture fast asleep
Their wool kept them cozy all night long.
Snore!  Snore!
The farmed slipped away with one
And sheared the wool till he was done
Then there were 4 white fluffy sheep.
Baa!  Baa!
Make cottonball sheep by coloring sheep and glueing on cotton balls.
  • Before the event, inflate two white balloons.
  • Attach short pieces of black curling ribbon to make sheep tails and use a black marker to draw faces on them.
  • To play, divide players into two teams.
  • Give the first player on each team a broom, or fly swatter, that they will use to herd their team’s sheep across the room and back to the next player in line.
  • The first team to finish herding their sheep wins! (You may want to have “sheep” clones ready in case the originals pop.)

Day Two
Literacy: The Letter c—color pictures for the letter c. Practice the c sound and saying c.
Read a book that a child chooses.
Rhymes and songs:
Five and Five Eggs
Five and five eggs (hold up hands)
That makes ten
Sitting on top is mother hen (fold one hand over the other)
Crackle, crackle, crackle (clap hands three times)
What do I see? (Fingers around eyes)
Ten fluffy chicks
As yellow as can be. (Hold up and wiggle ten fingers).

Math:  A Dozen Eggs…
Number twelve eggs or Ping Pong balls (or plastic eggs) 1 through 12 with paint or a marking pen. Have the child place the eggs in numerical order in an egg carton. To make the activity easier for younger children, write the appropriate numeral in the bottom of each section of the egg carton. Talk about the word “dozen.” What other items are sold by the dozen?

Science/Social Studies: Days/months/year
Watch Busy Beavers Video “The Ice Cream Song”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyg6L6X5JPQ

Go through a calendar and put stickers on special days each month, such as birthdays and holidays. Hang calendar where kids can refer to it often and maybe even mark down days.

Art: Farm shadows matching and farm shape match from:

Make animals and shapes with play dough and cookie cutters.
Play with farm animals and barn for 10-15 minutes while listening to music.

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